How to Make a Charcuterie Chalet

by - 11:56:00

Delight your family this holiday season with a beautiful and savoury charcuterie chalet on your Christmas table. This gingerbread house alternative is all the rage right now and in partnership with Kitchen Stuff Plus we're jumping on board to share our take on this salty treat. Admittedly our charcuterie chalet is a little light on meat and a little heavy on the cheese however we plan to use this chalet as a centerpiece on our charcuterie table so we wanted to elevate it a bit. We love the A-frame cabin shape, it adds a modern touch and is easier to make. Here's how to make a charcuterie chalet:

how to make a charcuterie chalet

how to make a charcuterie chalet

Charcuterie Chalet Ingredients:

Bread Sticks
Crackers/Melba toast
Almonds Slivers
Plain Cream Cheese/ Herb & Garlic Cream Cheese
Baby Bells
Stick Pretzels 

how to make a charcuterie chalet

Charcuterie Chalet Recipe:
1. Smear cream cheese on the surface of the cake stand. This will help the crackers and breadsticks stand up and will look like snow (We built our charcuterie chalet centerpiece on this great marble cake stand from Kitchen Stuff Plus).
2.  Build a small structure out of crackers using cream cheese as the mortar. 
3. Smear cream cheese on one large cracker and lined up approx 20 breadsticks on the cracker. Once  secure move it into place to create an A-frame cabin. Again using cream cheese to secure the structure. 
4. Use cream cheese to stucco the front and back of the chalet and fill in the empty space with almond slivers.
5. Fill the back of the cabin with charcuterie meats rolled to look like logs.
6. Create a door out of preztles and a blueberry as the door knob. Make a wreath out of the thyme or rosemary. Use the dill and baby bells as landscape accents around the chalet. 

How to Make a Charcuterie Chalet
How to Make a Charcuterie Chalet
How to Make a Charcuterie Chalet
How to Make a Charcuterie Chalet
How to Make a Charcuterie Chalet

How to Make a Charcuterie Chalet

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This post is sponsored by Kitchen Stuff Plus. All expressed opinions are those of Harlow & Thistle.

How to Make a Charcuterie Chalet
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