3 Ways Lighting Can Increase the Comfort of your Home

by - 15:58:00

The bulbs burnt out on the light outside my bedroom closet the other day. I changed out the bulbs for these great Philips LED lights that were developed with eye comfort in mind. It got me thinking about how important lighting is to the comfort of our home and our eyes. So today I’m sharing 3 ways lighting can increase the comfort of your home:

1. Eye Comfort Lighting
Have you even been in a room with bright cold lights? Did you leave feeling strained and fatigued? Eye comfort lighting is often overlooked but is essential in creating a home that helps you relax and recharge. Philips LED lights are created to be more comfortable on the eyes based on their own Eye Comfort Criteria which ensures their lights are softer and kinder on your eyes.


2. Proper Lighting Design
Layering the appropriate lights in the appropriate places can increase the comfort in your home. Using warm ambient lighting in living rooms and bedrooms can create a sense of coziness and warmth. Examples of ambient or indirect lighting include lamps, upward facing sconces and dimmable recessed lights. 

3. Energy Efficient Lighting
Let’s face it, saving money on your home can make it feel more comfortable. Philips LED bulbs are longer lasting and energy efficient and can save you over a decades worth of energy savings (according to global research).


With all the indoor time and screen time we’ve been having lately thanks to the ice storm, it’s more important than ever to focus on the comfort of our home and our eyes.

This post is in partnership with Philips (Canada). All expressed opinions are my own.

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