DIY Advent Calendar

by - 21:15:00

Christmas is gearing up in our home. This is really the first year our son is understanding Christmas and all the good stuff around it which is why I wanted to make his advent calendar super special (yes I know you can pick one up for $1 at the dollar store - but where's the fun in that). Here's my DIY Advent Calendar:

 You'll need some foam core, crazy glue, 25 small gift boxes and a red marker or you can download some advent calendar numbers here
 Arrange the boxes on the foam core beforehand. My gift boxes were white on the back so I decided to use this as the front because it was perfect to write on (you could also spray paint your boxes if they have a pattern all around).
 Glue the gift boxes onto the foam core.
 Write or glue your numbers onto the white side of the gift boxes.
 Fill your boxes with some stickers, trinkets and/or chocolate 
(yes I got these from the dollar store and I can see the irony).
Honestly I had to tape down a few of the lids just in case.
There it is! Can't wait for December 1st : )
Be sure to catch me on Instagram to see what's coming up next.

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